马塔戈达县社区保健诊所提供初级和预防性保健服务,以满足社区合格成员的需要. The Community 健康 Clinic 不 serve as the 马塔哥达 County 健康 Department. 服务包括:
- Medical Assistance Program (MAP) Eligibility services
- 根据马塔戈达县医疗援助方案向合格病人提供初级保健.A.P.)
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Community 健康 Clinic
Primary 联系: Sandra Bickham
Monday – Friday from 8 am to 12 pm, and 1 pm to 5 pm.
海湾城, Texas 77414
请注意,WIC诊所的地点和营业时间与社区健康诊所不同. Click here to 访问 the WIC诊所 page.
Local 健康 Department/Disease Reporting
马塔哥达 County’s Community 健康 Clinic 不 serve as the Local 健康 Department for 马塔哥达 County. 马塔戈达县的地方卫生部门是德克萨斯州州卫生服务部, 公共 健康 Region 6/5 South, 为奥斯丁, 科罗拉多州, 马塔哥达, 沃勒, Liberty and Wharton Counties. TDSHS 公共 健康 Region 6/5 South may be contacted at 713-767-3000. 有关呈报传染病的须呈报情况,请浏览卫生及健康处网页 http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/idcu/investigation/conditions/contacts/Reg6.asp
Referrals for clients not meeting eligibility requirements for CHP/MAP Services
不符合医疗援助计划(M.A.P.) will be referred to 马塔哥达 Episcopal 健康 Outreach Program (MEHOP). MEHOP是一家提供初级医疗保健的联邦合格医疗保健中心(FQHC), 牙科, 儿科, 妇产医院, and behavioral health. MEHOP accepts most private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. If uninsured or limited insurance benefits, MEHOP根据符合条件的家庭收入提供服务折扣(滑动费用). 联系 MEHOP at 979-245-2008 or www.mehop.org for additional information.
The 马塔哥达 County Medical Assistance Program (M.A.P.)是马塔戈达县医院区为居住在马塔戈达县的合格公民提供的一项服务, and is based on criteria established by the District. M.A.P. 该方案向马塔戈达县符合条件的低收入公民提供某些医疗保健服务.
Eligibility Criteria
- 住宅, Must be a citizen who resides in 马塔哥达 County
- 收入- 不能超过联邦贫困收入标准(FPIL)的71% , based on household composition
- 资源/资产- May not exceed $2,000 (or $3,000 if aged or disabled)
- IMAP (贫困医疗援助计划)联邦贫困收入水平(FPIL)的0 - 21%
- LMAP (低收入医疗援助方案)联邦贫困收入水平(FPIL)的22% - 71%
Services Provided for Qualified Applicants
- Primary and preventive care services provided at the CHP or by written referral.
- 马塔戈达地区医疗中心提供住院和门诊医院服务. 仅限IMAP程序 -如果县内无法提供住院和门诊服务,并有医疗需求证明,需事先书面转诊至三级中心.
- 实验室和放射学服务(仅限在星际娱乐app获得批准的订单和记录的医疗需求)
Medications must be on the hospital approved formulary. 提供处方药的协调是通过第三方处方项目进行的.
M.A.P. 合格的办公室
Monday – Friday: 8 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 5 pm
Phone: 979-244-8136 or 979-245-8421
Medical Assistance Program (M.A.P.) application packet is available from 8 am –Noon and 1p – 5 pm, Monday through Friday at the CHP, G大道1413号, 海湾城,德克萨斯州77414. Fill out the application packet and deliver it, along with all of the required documentation (as outlined below), 完全地.A.P. 办公室 at the Community 健康 Clinic. You may mail, fax, or hand deliver the application and 副本 of all of the required documentation 完全地.A.P. 办公室. 申请人必须提供所要求的所有信息和文件,并且必须完整填写申请表, 签名并注明日期.
星际线上娱乐鼓励首次申请的申请人与M .预约资格筛选.A.P. Coordinator by calling 979-244-8136. 申请和文件可以在资格筛选预约期间进行审查和提交.
Required Documentation
必须为以下每个类别提供文件,因为它适用于您或您的家人. (A household is yourself, 你的妻子/丈夫, children and anyone under the age of 18 who lives with you).
收入证明, 居住证明, proof of household composition and proof of resources are required. 可用于为每个类别提供证明的文件示例包含在应用程序包说明中.
Processing of Application with Approval or Denial
Once the application and all required documentation are received by the M.A.P. 办公室, the application will be processed within 14 days, after all of the required information is received. 如果您被要求提供额外的文件,以确定您的资格, the requested documentation must also be received by the M.A.P. 从提交之日起,最多需要14天的额外处理时间. 未能提供所有必需和/或要求的项目将延误您的申请,并可能导致您的申请被拒绝.
Once eligibility has been determined, 申请人将收到有关批准或拒绝申请的邮件通知. Applicants have the right to appeal denials.
All applications are approved for a limited timeframe. 续期或延长福利,须申请续期福利. 申请必须及时提交,以防止失效的覆盖, 并且必须包括一份新的填写好的申请表和收入证明的复印件, 居住证明, proof of household composition, and proof of resources. 处理首次申请的相同规则也适用于所有后续的续期申请.
Children’s 免疫接种
由于有大量的本地提供者,社区卫生计划不再提供这项服务. Uninsured patients needing immunizations are being referred to
- TDSHS 公共 健康 Region 6/5 South – (979)241-3120
- MEHOP’s Texas Vaccine for Children’s Program – (979) 245-2008
The CHP 不 offer adult immunizations. Clinics offering vaccines for uninsured adults include
- TDSHS 公共 健康 Region 6/5 South – (979)241-3120
- MEHOP (979)245-2008
- Brazoria County 健康 Department (979)864-1484
- Victoria City-County 健康 Department (361)578-6281
Some 当地的药店 also provide immunizations to insured or self-pay adults.
International (Traveler’s) 免疫接种
The CHP 不 provide immunizations for travel to international destinations. 那些有兴趣询问推荐的国际疫苗的人被转介给他们的初级保健提供者, 当地的药店, Victoria City-County 健康 Department, 或Redi诊所. 更多关于推荐疫苗的信息可以在疾病控制中心的网站上找到.
Victoria City-County 健康 Department 361-578-6281
WIC诊所的地点和时间与社区健康的时间和地点不同. Click here to 访问 the WIC诊所 page.